Comfrey Salve


Comfrey contains a potent compound called allantoin that helps to repair damaged tissue and stimulate cell growth. Used for centuries to repair damaged cartilage, broken bones, skin rashes and to reduce bruising and inflammation from blunt force trauma.


Introduced from Europe, comfrey is now found throughout much of North America. It contains a potent compound called allantoin that helps to repair damaged tissue and stimulate cell growth. Used for centuries to repair damaged cartilage, broken bones, skin rashes and to reduce bruising and inflammation from blunt force trauma. My Aunt Joanne had an abundance taking over her garden this Fall and I was excited to make a good ol fashioned salve from it. I’ve added beeswax, calendula, nettle and grapeseed oils. as well as a lavender, cedarwood, orange and palmarosa essential oils and as always, added love. Thanks for the great idea Auntie JoAnne!


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